What is "Heart Force"?
Heart force is created by the movement of the heart, measured in acceleration and presented graphically. It, like ECG/EKG is a measurement for medical professionals presented to further understand the heart's functionality. It differs from ECG/EKG, as it is not an electrical signal, generated by the heart muscle movement, detected by electrodes, but is a measurement of the actual movement of various integral components of the heart. The heart force decomposition process divides up the heart beat cycle with twelve instances, called markers. The twelve markers divide up the cycle into twelve intervals of unique functionality, with very specific relative timing, with micro-second accuracy.
What is the Heart Force Science Group (HFSG)?
The Heart Force Science Group is a group of Doctors (Cardiologists), Scientists, and Engineers who volunteer their work in the exploration of the heart force intervals. With membership in the HFSG, they have access to all the original material and research behind the patent that developed the measurement of Heart Force. These great volunteers, inspired by "fascination" and "need" take on the task of exploration and automation in processing the data, providing new information about the measured heart. They are building a library of information in the form of algorithms and data stored in the Cloud for ready access by systems that incorporate the Heart Force data acquisition and display recommendations of the collective HFSG Group.
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